As we know life has been changed for the last 30
In Spain has been a radical change in education, as in
free time also in life style.
And as you know a picture is worth more than a
thousand words, I will show you some images so we can clearly the difference.
Back in 1975, Spain lived in a protectionist
dictatorship so we were isolated from the rest of the world. This way, Spain sunk economically
and socially.
Kids didn’t have any luxury and barely any toys. They
were capable of entertain themselves with anything and with just a stick they
had a doll to play with. They spent hours in the street playing with their
friends and their brothers. During this period the birthrate increased a lot
because the children were an investment because as soon as they could they
became to work and that meant more money for the home.
Girls were educated by religion so they can become
good mothers and good housewife.
Boys started to work and by the time they were 18 and
20 years old they were send to the mandatory military service that it could
last between 2 and 4 years.
During this time, most of the population lived in the country feeding themselves with the harvest. In my mother case, she and her sister had to study in a boarder school because her parents couldn’t take care of them because of the work.
During this time, most of the population lived in the country feeding themselves with the harvest. In my mother case, she and her sister had to study in a boarder school because her parents couldn’t take care of them because of the work.
With Franco’s death, little people got their raids
such as freedom of expression and free partnership…but mostly they gain peace.
Society involved to a more lay and less manly society (men also clean their
houses, take care of kids and cook).
And this way we got to my generation.
We were born with so many facilities. We have
play-station, x-box, cell phones, computers, cars…and obviously the way of
living has changed too.
Starting with the free time, nowadays we do a lot of
things to have fun. We are used to go partying and drink, other times we spent
all the afternoon playing sports or just hanging out in a park but usually we
use material things to entertain ourselves.
As it comes to education, today’s youth is more spoilt
than the past generation, parents give us more things and this way we are not
well prepared to face the problems that life will brought us.
As I said before they used to have many children and
now that has changed because kids represent a big investment for families.
In spite, our parents had less facilities and their
dairy life were more complicated I do not think they were less unhappy because
they could enjoy others people company, while our free time possibilities let
us enjoy it can also made us be more time by ourselves.